About Us

The concept for Gold”N”Angels was simple, do nice things for people in need and have women you would normally not see in t-shirts, with shovels and paint brushes doing manual labor in local communities to benefit the less fortunate.
Throughout the following months we plan on showcasing our Angels at work and play. As our company grows so does our efforts to help others. Our Angels are not professional models and actresses, they are women who work at the neighborhood coffee house or retail store. They are everyday people like you. We purposely hired non-professionals because we wanted them to believe in what they were doing. With that said we would encourage the "model" types to come forward to be a part of our charity efforts. While there is nothing wrong with being beautiful, it is what you do with that beauty that makes you a beautiful person. We wish to close the gap between the rich and the poor, the conservative and the liberal, the Jew and the Christian, the white and the black, the gifted and the gift less and the young and the old. It is our goal for the most extreme elements of society to work hand in hand building a better community.
The management at Gold"N"Angels Charity, Inc. strive to save the planet with conservation work and safe environmental practices. We encourage all of our followers to do the same. We follow a different concept in the way we run our charity. We hope that one day all charities and businesses will be done with more emphasis on helping others rather than making exorbitant profit at the expense of the environment and humanity as a whole. This is not a popular concept in the world today, but with our example, we hope to change this.
If you are interested in following the Gold”N”Angels we encourage you to do so with the various links we have provided: Facebook.com, Twitter.com, Myspace.com, Wordpress.com are some of the links available for this purpose. We encourage you to get to know these wonderful girls and to hear their view on the charity efforts we provide to the community. As this concept grows so grows the Gold”N”Angels. In the not to distant future we would like to see this type of charity spread across the nation and one day the world. First we will work on Florida! In all seriousness if more people would think more about helping others and less about how much money they can make, the world would be a much better place. The old saying charity starts at home could not be more true in the case of the Gold”N”Angels!
We have purposely made our Angels easy on the eyes for a number of reasons. First and foremost they are very nice looking young ladies who have big hearts. To better acquire a following we see nothing wrong with showing off what God has given them. They are proud and we are prouder to have them on our team. Keep it up girls, success can only follow. Thank you all for supporting the Gold”N”Angels, the management at Gold”N”Angels Charity, Inc.